Llamaverse Welcome Packet

10 min readFeb 28, 2022



Welcome to The Llamaverse. We are excited to have you join us and we are going to overview everything we have to offer and completely guide you around the whole ecosystem as it can get complicated.

This article is mainly a packet of information every Llamaverse Holder should know to get the most value out of it. We will continuously update this packet and reference this article so we can keep others updated with future changes

How to Use The Discord?

The discord can be very complex to use and very overwhelming for some users as there are a lot of sections. The one place I recommend viewing is the #start-here section. This section will guide you around the whole discord to make things way easier for you.

One thing to note is you won’t use all these sections often — I will go over the most important sections you should use daily — and you can visit #start-here for optional sections that may improve your experience.

  • The #alpha-hub section— This is the main section you should use when it comes to learning more about NFTs, sharing information or anything related to the space. This is where you should spend essentially 80% of your time.
  • The Alpha Council Category — This is a fantastic section where you can learn more about different upcoming projects, calls that we feel like are going to increase in value, take advantage of our partner’s calls and learn more about the space in a very good manner.
  • The #tools section — This section is where you can use exclusive partnered tools for holding your Llamaverse. Most of these tools require you to sign data to authorize proof you own a Llamaverse.
  • The #wl-announcements and #wl-winners sections — This section is where you can enter exclusive raffles and to see if you’ve won. These raffles are for major WL opportunities. Whenever we release $SPIT and the marketplace this section will more than likely be non-existent.
  • The “Trading Bots” Category — This is a slept on section especially the #twitter-follows section under this category. This uses data and gives you a bunch of information in different categories. The #twitter-follows section tells you when MULTIPLE popular figures in the space follows projects. If it hits x amount of popular figures on one project — it’ll update you. This is a great way to keep up with trends.
  • The #silver-market-info section — This is created by Swombat, he provides amazing analysis when it comes to the overall market that’s based on quite a few technical values.
  • The #the-dungeon section — This section is ran by Cheezus (one of our main staffs). He hosts events often where you can earn whitelist opportunities or other prizes. Some of these events can include poker, trivia, karaoke or gaming!
  • NEW SECTION UPDATE: #popeye-calls and #popeye-upcoming — we recently partnered with Pick’s Passport an Alpha group — they are now webhooking calls directly to our discord server, you can view these calls at no additional cost.

There are a lot more sections you should explore — i’d recommend checking #start-here but these are the sections I would check daily and participate especially the #alpha-hub section. What I’ve realized is the people that use #alpha-hub usually tend to be the most successful when it comes to trading and staying up to date with the space.

How to Use Partnered Tools?

This section will constantly be updated as our partnered tools constantly add new features and we bring on more access. At the moment we have 2 tools which is AntiRug.Tools (by Rugburners) and Ape Chef NFT tools. They both have different functionality to help you improve as a trader.

#1 AntiRug.Tools — Antirug Tools is a suite of tools that include a portfolio tracker, a sniping mode, a tax tool and a bunch of analytic based tools. I will be creating videos soon how to use each tool to benefit you all. At the moment you can view the video down below to learn how to use the “Sniping Mode” tool. This is proven to work as I’ve done this live on stream.

Link to use the tool: https://antirug.tools/
You can learn more about AntiRug.Tools via the #tools section of the discord!

#2 Ape Chef NFT Tools — Ape Chef is another suite of tools that is a chrome extension vs an actual website. These tools at the moment include an Autobidder and also a “Stats” tool (which is previewed above) which uses icy.tools data (one of the best data platforms).

He will be releasing a lot of different tools which include a “Notifications Extension”, a “Rarity Tool” and a “Autobuyer” tool based on your set requirements (which can include traits, collections and price).

You can learn more how to install these tools via the #tools section of our discord.

How to Get Massive WL Opportunities?

We have massive WL opportunities via our discord in the #wl-announcements section. At the moment, this is the way we do it currently but will be changed as $SPIT and the marketplace is rolled out. All you have to do to enter is properly follow the steps.

You will fill out a form one of the following:

  • Animated Form
  • Static Form

When you fill out the form it will ask you 3 questions:

  • What wallet do you want to mint from (can be different from your Llamaverse wallet)?
  • How many Llamaverses of that type do you own?
  • If you own multiple, state your eth addresses

After doing so we will compile all the entries after careful auditing and moderating and we will do a raffle in the back-end and distribute the spots. We will announce this in the #wl-winners section. It’s your job to constantly check this section daily to see if you’ve won, if you see your ETH address on the winners sheet you must follow the instructions and complete them.

If you have questions can always open a ticket.

How to Use The Voice Chats?

The voice chats are usually open discussion. This is only accessible by members — understand that voice chats are not monitored, we will try our best to keep everyone safe and comfortable but it can be hard when 20–30+ people are speaking at the same time. Sometimes, it may be beneficial just to listen to ideas and add on when it’s quiet.

We will be hosting more “structured” voice chats in the future with a plan such as a “raising your hand” function so you get a chance to speak. We will be implementing this in the future and will be creating an announcement regarding this.

Random Stealth Giveaways?

One of the administrators several times a day will drop a “stealth giveaway” via the #alpha-hub channel. All you have to do is react to enter — some of these prizes will be ETH, WL Opportunities for BIG projects and even NFTs!

If you win you will be given 24 hours to claim — you must open a ticket to claim.

We did this to incentivize activity without having to make people spam constantly — they will only last from 1 to 5 minutes and we will not ping people when these happens as it’s a stealth giveaway.

Access to NFTWorld + Minecraft Server?

You will be able to access this NFTWorld directly. The world is fully built we are simply waiting for the multiplayer integration which will be done this week. During this world every x time period, we will add “easter eggs” that you can find on the map. If you find the easter egg — you will be able to click on it and it’ll lead you to a link. On that link it will tell you your reward and you will be able to submit information to claim your prize.

This will only be accessible by Llamaverse holders and $SPIT Buddy holders.

If you want to see more previews of the world feel free to review them down below here:

We will also be creating a Minecraft Server. This is 100% confirmed. We are not going to roll out details but I will say this will involve $SPIT. We are not building this — we are partnering with a major known figure in the space and they will be developing this. They have over 20+ developers, artists that will implement our Llamas into avatars into the game and it will involve $SPIT which is super exciting. This will connect with our NFTWorld.

We will be announcing this very soon as we are finishing the legal structure of the document.

Questions and Answers

  • How do I use the AntiRug.Tools and the ApeChef Tools?

I will be updating this article on 02/28 with a video (at around 1 am est). This video will guide you through both tool suites to help you use it the best. I will go over each function so it will be a longer video but split up into time stamps.

  • When will staking, token and the marketplace roll out?

The staking, token and the marketplace is 100% completed. We simply wanted to roll them out in stages to maintain structure and approach the deployments with a systematic process. Intially, we we’re going to roll out staking and the token at the same time but we decided to first deploy the token. The token will be on polygon (while your Llamaverse NFT is on ethereum). After we roll out the token — within days we will roll out staking. You will then be able to accumulate $SPIT. While you are starting to accumulate $SPIT we will then roll out the marketplace + reward system within the next week or so.

The first purchase option will be:

  • Insta buy option — this will be priced at a reasonable price to ensure everyone has a chance at it — 40% of whitelist opportunities go to stack holders; while 60% going to animated holders. We will roll these out at random times through a 24 hour period to allow all time zones to access these opportunities.

After we do all of this we will then add these 2 modules in the marketplace:

  • Auction System to bid on whitelist opportunities
  • Raffle system to “have a chance” on whitelist opportunities
  • We will then change the “insta-buy” option to a more expensive action to 100% lock you into an opportunity and make the raffling system the “default purchase” option.
  • What is the difference between Llamaverse and Llamaboost?

You can learn the differences within this article. This article will cover the differences and we will constantly add it as more and more utility is added for the projects.

  • Why is there a 10% Royalty Fee for Llamaverse/Llamaboost?

The reason why there is a 10% royalty fee is because this was decided originally by the community — 6% of this fee is used directly to support the community back into group buying (which I will describe below later). Another 1.5% is used to fund the dev wallet passively and the small % left over is used to support the founding/executive team.

  • What plans will come after Roadmap 1.0?

As much as I’d love to overpromise to “hype” things up — I won’t. It creates false expectations. We will release Roadmap 2.0 which will deepen the ecosystem and really grow our brand and add even more utility after Roadmap 1.0. Roadmap 2.0 will include some P2E Aspects, more involvement with Llamaverse/Spit Buddies and also expansion of innovative mechanisms that the space hasn’t seen before.

  • How can I get in contact with the Executive Team including Helle, NFTLlama or BrotherAli (or any staff member)?

Open a Ticket at the top of our discord server. Once you open a ticket — we will assign it to who you need to speak to.

Discord — https://discord.gg/llamaverse

If you are wanting to collaborate — visit the #collab-with-us section vs opening a ticket.

  • What is the group buying information mentioned regarding Royalties?

We will be purchasing NFT-based assets to grow the Llamaverse brand, add utility for holders and help cultivate a long-term “asset bank” to expand value for holders.

60% of the royalties used to go to Animated Holders via raffles and they decided it’d be more beneficial to start group-buying.

Group buying is where we buy a bunch of NFTs to benefit holders.

An example of this would be creating a NFTWorld as a Project and fractionalizing land to all holders as a free mint so everyone can own Land and either build on it, sell it or hold it.

Another example would be purchasing NFTs and creating a pool of their tokens so we can distribute these tokens directly to holders of Llamaverses if you are staking.

To be very clear, since this is the Animated Holder’s funding — they will get access to around 80–85% of the tokens if we do get tokens — but if we do something like fractionalizing land or buying a tool, everyone can get access with Animated of course getting the most premium part of it but all holders will get somewhat access or benefits directly to it.

We recently purchased 11x World Wide Web Land Apartments:


We will constantly update this document to help users figure out the ecosystem and we will refer to it if anyone has questions. We will more than likely keep updating the questions/answers page so that way we can address all questions.

If you have any feedback please open a ticket without our discord. Always use official links of the Llamaverse brand — and be cautious.

Twitter — https://twitter.com/llamaverse_

Discord — https://discord.gg/llamaverse

Llamaverse Opensea — https://opensea.io/collection/llamaverse-genesis

Llamaboost Opensea — https://opensea.io/collection/llamaboost

Website — https://llamaverse.io/

